The wines of Anjou and Saumur

The wines of Anjou and Saumur are produced in our region. They are part of the Loire wines. They combine cheerfulness with finesse, subtlety with generosity, lightness with depth. The Loire can produce everything, from the driest to the sweetest wines, from primeur wines to century-old wines, from the fruitiest flavour to the most mineral and purest notes.

The Loire vineyards have a considerable advantage, that of producing wines that are easy to digest and elegant, which is the key to their success.

Known and recognised throughout the world, they are the image of “French excellence”.

In the vicinity of Saumur, you will find many wine domains. For a visit or a tasting, we particularly recommend the cellars of our friends below.

If you want to learn more about the wines of our region and discover the diversity of our terroir, we invite you to visit the official website of the Loire Valley Wines.